Streaming Rules

Twitch Channel Rules

The rules here are pretty simple to follow.
(Please note that this is a mature stream that includes vulgar language and sometimes vulgar themes.)

-Please only use English
-Respect myself, my mods, other viewers, and guest of the stream at all times.
-Do not ask for mod. Mods are strictly my friends and - people I trust.
-Do not suggest games unless asked for suggestions.
-No spamming or general stupidness.
-Absolutely no links unless authorized by me or the mods.
-Please use Caps in moderation.
-Spoilers will get you banned.
-Do not impersonate mods.
-Do not avoid the filters.
-Do not send messages provoking spam
-If I do not respond to your messages it does not mean I am ignoring you. I might be focused on the game.
-No derogatory terms towards religion/non-religion, race, sex, sexual preferences, or gender identity.